Intel Desktop Sky-Lake
Initial macOS Support :OS X 10.11, El Capitan
Last Supported OS :macOS 15 sequoia
Note 1 : For Ventura information, see macOS 13 Ventura
> Add
- Fixes the USB power and the embedded controller.
- Enables native power management of the CPU on Haswell and Newer.
> Quirks
Universal Quirks:
- Avoid Runtime Defrag = True
- Enable SafeMode Slide = True
- Provide Custom Slide = True
- Setup Vertual Map = True
Extra Quirks:
Enable Write Unprotector = True
> Quirks
- Universal Quirks:
- Apple CpuPmCfg Lock = True
- Not needed if “CFG-LOCK” is disabled in the BIOS
- Applex Cpm Cfg Lock = True
- Disable IO Mapper = True
- Not needed if VT-D is disabled in the BIOS
- Panic No Kext Dump = Ture
- Power TimeOut Kernel Panic = True
- XHCI PortLimit = True
- If your board does not have USB 3.0, you can Disable
- Disable if running macOS 11.3+
- Apple CpuPmCfg Lock = True
- Vendor Specific:
- Custom SMBIOS Guid = True ( For Dell & Sony )
- Lapic Kernel Panic = Ture ( For HP )
> Debug
- Apple Debug = True
- Apple Panic = True
- Disable Watch Dog = True
> Security
- Vault = Optional
- Scanpolicy = 0
- Allow Set Default = True
- 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
- Csr Active Config = 67000000
- run-efi-updater: No
- prev-lang:kbd: en-US:0
- General Purpose boot-args:
- -v
- debug=0x100
- keepsyms=1
- GPU-Specific boot-args:
- agdpmod=pikera
- IF using AMD 5000,6000 Series NAVI GPU
You’ll see a black screen if you don’t. Use only if you have Navi.
- This is not appropriate for Vega and Polaris cards.
- -wegnoegpu
- When the integrated Intel iGPU is used, all other GPUs are disabled
- -igfxvesa
- If using iGPU
- agdpmod=pikera
Platform Info
> Generic
- Recommend SMBIOS:
- iMac17,1 Sky-Lake SMBIOS (It was dropped in macOS Ventura. If running macOS Ventura, use a Kaby Lake SMBIOS.)
- Generate SMBIOS:
- Open GenSMBIOS Utility
- Generate SMBIOS for your System
- Copy the all velue to Config.plist >Platform info >Generic
- The Type part gets copied to Generic -> SystemProductName.
- The Serial part gets copied to Generic -> SystemSerialNumber.
- The Board Serial part gets copied to Generic -> MLB.
- The SmUUID part gets copied to Generic -> SystemUUID.
Note : Use MacPro 1,1 for the highest relability and success rate which will allow booting on almost all systems without any hassle. Right SMBIOS can be configurate at the time of post installation.
- Update SMBIOSMo = Custom ( For Only Dell & Sony )
- Automatic = True
- ConnectDrivers = True
- Min Date :
- High Sierra = 20180621
- Mojave = 20190820
- Catalina = 20200306
- BigSur = 20210508
- No restriction = -1
- Min Version:
- High Sierra = 748077000000008
- Mojave = 945275007000000
- Catalina = 14121010010000
- BigSur = 1677120009000000
- No restriction = -1
> Quirks
- Universal Quirks :
- ReleaseUsbOwnership = True
- Ventor Spacific :
- UnblockFsConnect = True (For HP Only)
> Drivers
- Click + icon and Select the all drivers from your EFI>OC>Drivers
- HfsPlus.efi
- OpenCanopy.efi
- OpenRuntime.efi
- ResetNvramEntry.efi
- Must be LoadEarly = false
- Must be Enabled = True